Thursday, November 8, 2007


Do you know if LPS will be hiring a replacement for Kirksey (Cooper site),or is the position not needed any more, since Kirksey will be getting a newpaycheck from the city? He has to at least wait until his 4 year term isup before he can go back on the LPS money-train again, right?

I didn't have a chance to see the last 2 meetings, has anything beenpublicly announced regarding Jay Young's "re-hiring"? Do we have any idea roughly how many bill-able hours per year he is anticipated to turn in to the district doing "whatever it is he will be doing".

Has anyone else on the board had any concerns about the rapidly declining enrollment (only since LI)? Will there ever be a BOE meeting in the"no-spin" zone so we can actually figure out what happened and how to getback on track? I mean, I remember Leipa kept "increasing" his predictionof how many students we would lose this year, and in the end he was stilloff by 100. This is a heck of a lot outside the 1/4 of 1% error marginthey bragged about pre-LI. These people can't possibly still believe it'sjust the economy (especially since PCCS enrollment keeps increasing, andour private schools enrollment isn't dropping). I mean, anyone with anysense would at least admit that there is a strong possibility there is a correlation between LI and the student loss, right?

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