Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Channel 15

Have you ever watched our public school local access channel 15? If you have never viewed this channel it is mostly slides, set to music, of old information and photos of a few things that have happened in some of the schools. Talk about an underutilized marketing tool. When I have inquired as to why this channel does not have up to date student centered content the response is who will do it. How about our AV guy that creates the presentations for the administrators to present at board meetings. Or perhaps the new communications specialist the superintendent hired at a tune of 24 thousand dollars a year as a part time employee. This channel could be used to feature what the students are doing in this district. I suggest with the help of tech savvy students, parents and the PTA that every school create video vignettes of events that take place throughout the district. Nothing fancy just a video recording of a concert or science fair or a myriad of things that happen in our schools daily. Kids get a kick out of seeing themselves on the tube and I think it would help build school spirit. Why not block time on channel 15 devoted to high school students creating original programing? I have seen videos of the Stevenson football team at board meetings, lets feature our outstanding artists throughout the district as well with performances on channel 15. I have asked if I could read a children's book once a month. This could be expanded to include guest readers from the community at large. I am sure there are capable high school students that as aspiring journalist would love to follow our students to science competitions and other school sponsored events and produce programing for broadcast. What about the career technical center? This is just the sort of project they would excel at. The ideas are endless as to what could fill a 24 hour channel. Instead of investing time and energy in gimmicks like the competitive edge to market this district lets showcase our greatest assets , our students.


Anonymous said...


Franklin has these programs already in place that would lend greatly to the curriculum and your suggestions to utilize students for broadcast materials on Channel 15

182—Broadcast Communication—Scale 2-5 (1 Semester)
Prerequisites: None
Broadcast Communication familiarizes the student with production techniques involved in
producing radio and television programs. Since radio and television are vocal media, they
emphasize the importance of vocal control. With the introduction of simple production exercises, students are given tools for evaluating both radio and television programming. In addition to writing, producing and directing their own programs, students take part in exercises to improve their vocal and technical proficiency.
183—Advanced Broadcast Communication—Scale 3-5 (1 Semester)
Prerequisites: Broadcast Communication
Advanced Broadcast Communication will emphasize production of television programs, technical knowledge and proficiency, editing skills, field production, and individual creativity.
186—Web Writing And Design (1 Semester)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 9 and English 10
This course is designed to allow students to explore their interest in technology, specifically
the web, while improving their writing techniques. The focus will be on developing skills
toward designing and maintaining Franklin High School’s web site.

My son is already in some of these classes and he would love the opportunity to have some of his stuff published.

Anonymous said...

While I agree that more photos from across the district would be great on channel 15. Keep in mind that their PTA is a volunteer organization and the ability to get someone to continually take pictures, produce vignettes and submit them throughout the year is limited by the willingness of a parent to do this. I do know at my child's school that a call for this has gone out several times over the course of many years. Sometimes it's a hit and sometimes it's not.

As for the competitive edge being a gimmick. I don't consider it a gimmick. It is another tool being offered by the district to help parents further their children's higher education. I think it's wonderful that they are asking businesses for donations. I think it's not wonderful that they've asked PTA's to contribute $500 each. PTA dollars are raised by the same parents who are going to be contributing to these accounts that are being created. Typically PTA's like to spend their money in a way that benefits as many children in their school as possible. The way I look at it, this only will benefit this years Kindergarten students. In a school with two or three kindergarten classes that is a lot of money to spend on each individual child.

Blazin' Ray said...

Now, I'm from a different part of the country, but I've noticed the same thing in our community! We're small (<5000 without college students) so the access television channels is run by the local library. It carries announcements in slide show form, and the occasional broadcast of a church service so that the elderly don't need to leave their homes, but the majority of the broadcasting time is just useless. It wouldn't take a group of students more than four hours to make a broadcast quality short to advertise something!
Meh. Maybe people'll catch on sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Great new ideas for channel 15, this community and others could help set the stage for additional opportunity student involvement.
Nice to realize there are positive active people with these kinds of fresh innovative and creative ideas.
In addition, some ideas that were mentioned could possibly give student more avenues in which to become more involved with school.
Studies have it that parent- student involvement has heads and tails advantage oposed to those whom choose not to become too involved.
I for one look forward to view new programing in place of the seemingly ordinary ad lib programing.

Anonymous said...

One season comes to mind,
"summer time"
Often parents hear this familar line from the kids at some point during the summer,
"I am so bored".
This Channel 15 programing could tie in and address summer "vacation time" with simple projects.
For example how to create your very own "worm garden".
Some simple potpourri projects throughout the summer could lend a hand to the boredom.