Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Competitive Edge

Reading the summary of the first candidate forum I was curious about Tom Baileys comment concerning the districts latest deception, the competitive edge. He described the program as a partially funded college scholarship. This program is being hyped in all of the districts mailings and talked up at PTA meetings as well. In some of these publications it has been mentioned in the same paragraph as the Kalamazoo Promise which would understandably give the reader the impression that the two programs have something in common. For the uninitiated the Kalamazoo Promise pays for the Michigan college education of students that attend and graduate from a public school in Kalamazoo. It is underwritten by anonymous donors to the tune of 250 million dollars and provides full tuition for 4 years. The Competitive Edge contributes 100 dollars to your aspiring college student if you attend LPS form first to twelfth grade. This will not buy a single text book. To give the impression that this program is funding a college education is very misleading and shows the desperation in trying to bring back the over 1,200 students that we have lost since the Legacy debacle..


Anonymous said...

I am glad that at least one Board Trustee sees this program for what it really is--nothing more than PR by LPS. Rumor has it that they are now going around asking PTA to help fund the program--what a joke. Instead of launching the program first, they should have made sure they could fund it before seeing it to the public. Typical LPS, all image, no foundation.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the Kalamazoo promise is always mentioned in the same breath as the Competitive Edge.It's kind of like comparing a Cadillac to a Chevy Cobalt. The Competitive Edge and nothing are close to the same thing.