Friday, May 16, 2008

Letter to the editor

A letter from a concerned parent about Everyday Math.

I am writing this letter as a concerned parent of a 4th grade student in LPS. I am very concerned because there has been discussion of adopting Everyday Math for the LPS 5th graders this fall.

I just don't understand why you would want to bring an inferior math program to our upper grades. Aren't we all trying to give our kids the best education possible? Research of EM has proven over and over that reform math programs are not good for our children. Too much spiraling and not enough mastery.

Please talk to Board of Education member Mr. Greg Oke. He stated at one of the candidate forums "Most of the criticisms with the Everyday Math program actually come from the 5th and 6th grade levels. I actually know this because my district has EM. We utilize it up through 6th grade and all the problems we've had with it actually come from the 5th and 6th grade level." Do we really want to do his to our kids when research AND experience prove it is not a good program?

Mr. Bailey stated that he 'saw no problems with EM' when he visited one of the k-4 classrooms. Did you have to sit down with your child and try to explain some of cumbersome methods they use? I did do that with my child many, many nights this past school year and we were both incredibly frustrated.

And I applaud all of the teachers out there that have to teach this program. They are doing the best with what they have been given. My son's teacher has been out of class for 10 full days because of 'math meetings'.

I hardly think this is fair to her or her students. Not to mention, if she needs that many classes to teach a math program she piloted, doesn't that say something, too?

I am asking you...No, I'm begging you, to please wait on this 'adoption'.Read the research. Do what is best for our children. Don't make another hasty decision without all the facts. Please listen to the parents, the kids and the teachers this time.

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