Monday, October 8, 2007


When I decided to create my blog it was because of things I have learned while on the board. In particular, "misconceptions often overwhelm the truth" and "culture eats strategy." There are many misconceptions about LPS and I will address them over time. The culture of an organization is important because in essence its the way we do things around here and the way we have been doing things, will not bode well for our future. This blog will look at our district without rose colored glasses and void of the spin I have been subjected to at many of the public meetings. Are there good things that happen in our schools? Absolutely! But those things will take up the lions share of every board meeting and newsletters sent to the community.Rarely will we have the crucial conversations that are necessary to improve the district. My blog will show the other side of things, in an attempt to offer some kind of balance to the dialogue. This is not a discussion forum, but I do read all of the comments and do learn from them. I generally will not respond to comments but they do help me ask questions and move forward on things that need to be addressed. There were several comments however I will comment on. To say that our back to school event did not cost anything is inaccurate. Hundreds of LPS man hours went into preparing for this event as well as some of the in house promotion we did. That time could have been spent making sure projects were completed and that the bus routes were accurate as well as a myriad of other things that really needed to get done for a smooth start to school. Residency is another issue. This district has turned a blind eye to this problem ever since the legacy initiative drove so many students out of our schools. Since the money follows the student, enrollment numbers are very important. I feel for the students from urban districts but residency is very simple, either you live in our district or you don't. I personally know of students that attended our grade schools using their grandparents address while living at their parents home in another city. Apartments can be problematic as well. For these reasons we are well within our authority to do random bed checks as Grosse Pointe and many other districts do. Livonia taxpayers must not be disenfranchised because we do not have the will to do what is right.


Anonymous said...

It's about time. Every day we hear about more and more students who do not live in this district attending our schools. This is stealing money right out of our pockets, and is showing the administrations lack of respect for those of us living in the district. Keep going Steve, you are right on track!

Anonymous said...

How do you do bed checks? It's a serious question. I've never heard of it and wonder how it works.

Anonymous said...

I also have a problem with this issue. More bodies might mean more money, but how many "LPS staff hours" are spent trying to either manage problems or settle "cultural differences?" (The term "cultural differences" was told to me when there was an incident between my child and another. The other child was given another chance because she didn't know any better -- cultural differences. If it had been my child she would have been suspended.) That is exactly the type of incident that has made many people leave LPS.