Friday, October 12, 2007

Letter from a parent on security


Came across this article doing a random google search about school securitycameras. (This is exactly what I believe would happen in LPS even if weinstalled the security system.)

There are also many examples of school violence (even in elementaryschools) where students have brought in weapons into school (there is oneexample in Michigan where a student was killed on the playground by anotherstudent who brought a gun to school). Maybe we should really be focusingon this type of thing, metal detectors, etc... instead of cameras? Maybemore training/communication/procedures for school personel to recognizeconflicts between students as potential issues, or to be more proactive inquestioning anyone that is not recognized that walks within the schoolunaccompanied by staff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having the cameras is only one small part of our security. Our elementary schools do lock ALL doors except the front around 9am. OR as long as it takes for our custodians to walk around the building. Visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitors badge. All staff know to escort any visitors without a badge to the main office. I agree that awareness to staff and students is essential. I believe, however, that is one strength in our schools.